[On-site participation sign-in at each activity indicates Release & Waiver agreement]
Texas Beyblade League
Liability Release and Photo Waiver
I am a Participant or Parent/Guardian of a Participant who has voluntarily applied to participate in the Texas Beyblade League. I am fully competent to sign an Agreement giving permission for Participant to participate. I acknowledge that the nature of the Activity could possibly expose Participants to hazards or risks that could result in illness, personal injury or death and I understand and appreciate the nature of such hazards and risks. I grant NSBE, SHPE, TAME, AND UT DALLAS, and any of the sponsor’s and supporter’s employees full authority to take whatever actions they may consider to be warranted under any circumstances regarding the protection of participant’s health and safety. I understand and agree that if participant does not comply with all the rules, code of conduct, and instructions relating to this Activity, the sponsors and supporters have the right to terminate his/her participation in this activity without refund.
In consideration of Participant being permitted to participate in the Texas Beyblade League, I hereby accept all risk to Participant's health and of his/her injury or death that may result from such participation. I hereby release NSBE, SHPE, TAME, and UT Dallas and any of the sponsor’s and supporter’s governing board, officers, employees and representatives from any and all liability to Participant, Participant's personal representatives, estate, heirs, and next of kin. All claims are released / waived. Including but not limited to causes of action for loss or damage to Participant's property, for any and all illness or injury to Participant's person. This includeds his/her death, that may result from or occur during Participant's participation, whether caused by any type of negligence by NSBE, SHPE, TAME, AND UT DALLAS and any of the sponsor’s or supporter’s governing board, officers, employees, or representatives, or otherwise.
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless NSBE, SHPE, TAME, AND UT DALLAS and any of the sponsor’s and supporter’s governing board, officers, employees, and representatives from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from Participant's negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in Texas Beyblade League.
By signing for any participation in The Texas Beyblade League, I give my permission, with no promise or expectation of value in return, to publish photographs and audio/visual recordings of me and/or my child in print and electronic media including publication on sponsors and supporters web sites.
By signing in to participate in this activity, I also sign agreement to this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement for myself and/or my child. I fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing to participate and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.