For our upcoming April Beyblade X Engineering Workshops Check Out:
Spring 2025
Season of the Dragon
Season of the Dragon
The focus of this season is about becoming the champion of the arena, so the first round of each tournament will have multiple arenas for participants to battle in and overtake other competitors to secure their spot on the leader board and advance to the 1v1 Elimination part of the tournament.
The first round of each tournament will be a qualifier where participants battle in a arena based king of the hill game mode to overtake competitors and secure their spot on the leader board. In order to qualify and advance to the 1v1 elimination battle part of the tournament, a participant must be one of the top few bladers to hold the highest win streaks across multiple arenas. Time and total streak count will be limited to reach the top spots as only a few can advance to the next round. Once the spots are full a participant can only claim a spot by having a higher streak than other competitors on the select arena.
Arena Emperor Objective:
Reach win streak levels in multiple arenas using only one beyblade X in a match to 4 points.
Level 1 = 2 wins
Level 2 = 4 wins
Level 3 = 6 wins
Level 4 = 7 wins (Max)
Tier Number = Number of Arena(s) where a streak level is reached
Total Point Based Assessment
Performance Total = (Number of Wins) x (Tier Number)
Event Details
Activity Details
Beyblade X Tournament (1st Round: Arena Emperor Qualifier Round)
Beyblade X Free Battle
Tournament and Activity Prizes
One Bonus Beyblade Alt-Activity:
Day 1: Metal Fight Beyblade Survival Tournament (Beys Provided)
Day 2: Lego Spinning Top Build Challenge (Legos Provided)
Day 3: Micro Beyblade Elimination Tournament (Bring Your Own Micro)
Day 4: Burst Beyblade Target Track Challenge (Bring Your Own Burst)
All standard TBBL Rules apply (For Rules Page: Click Here)
Tournament will follow the TBBL's Beyblade X TechBlade Ruleset and be a Semi-Locked Set based Tournament (Participants can have up to 3 active beyblades to use and switch parts within a match)
TechBlade Ruleset is a single 7 pt game where bladers can change blades when each 4 pt mark is reached.
For TechBlade Rules: Click Here
Note*: 4pt games matches lock participants into one beyblade.
This is a bring your own X beyblade event, however Judges will have standard beys to lend per round if a participant's beyblade is malfunctioning, damaged, a non bursting bey, or has illegal parts. See the TBBL X TechBlade Ruleset for parts and restrictions. Feel free to bring your own burst beyblade for free battle fun.
Safety and Procedure
The COVID-19 situation is still a focus of concern with the TBBL. These events will have limited attendance, spaced out accommodations, and sanitation materials present. The wearing of masks is encouraged for all observers and participants within the facility. All participants will be required to use the sanitation wipes provided by the TBBL Staff when they both enter and leave the activity zone. Space management is used to limit person to person contact in order to keep the event safe and running smoothly. To promote cleanliness and safety please follow all the instructions of our TBBL Staff in regards to sanitation, positioning, and the wearing of mask. If you or any attendees within your group have had contact with a Covid-19 case within 3 weeks prior to one of these events then please do not attend. Get well soon and if cleared by your medical professional then consider attending a later TBBL Event. There will be other tournaments, events, and seasons. (Registration Statements)
Event Date and Location:
February 1st (Saturday 10 am – 12:30 pm)
Hoblitzelle Hall on the UTD Campus
Directions: (CLICK HERE)
(Note: The exact building is marked by the red indicator)
March 1st (Saturday 10 am – 12:30 pm)
Hoblitzelle Hall on the UTD Campus
Directions: (CLICK HERE)
(Note: The exact building is marked by the red indicator)
April 5th (Saturday 10 am – 12:30 pm)
Hoblitzelle Hall on the UTD Campus
Directions: (CLICK HERE)
(Note: The exact building is marked by the red indicator)
May 3rd (Saturday 10 am – 12:30 pm)
Hoblitzelle Hall on the UTD Campus
Directions: (CLICK HERE)
(Note: The exact building is marked by the red indicator)
At Hoblitzelle
Hoblitzelle Hall is down a walkway next to a multi-story parking lot structure. The 2nd - 5th floor of the structure will be event parking for visitors and the spaces can be parked in with an associated color parking pass. Event parking passes will be available at TBBL check-in. You can print corresponding pass for the selected day from the following file links:
February 1st Parking Pass
March 1st Parking Pass
April 5th Parking Pass
May 3rd Parking Pass
(Note: The parking structure and lots can be accessed by turning on Drive H)
Tournament Participation: $20 per person
Observer/Chaperone: $10 per person
Online Registration and Verification Code is required to gain access. After payment you will receive a digital code that can be scanned at the event to check in.
Clubs can register using the promo code provided in the club subscription for a discounts.
This is a limited Access Event so the total number of people allowed is caped.
Online registration and verification code is required to gain access
<Registration Status for April 5th Event = Open>