Liabilities And Policies
This website is published by NSBE at UTD, a registered student organization. It is not an official publication of UT Dallas and does not represent the views of the university or its officers. The University of Texas at Dallas is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action University. Students with disabilities needing special assistance to attend please call NSBE at (214) 694-4886. Texas Relay Operation: 1-800-RELAYXT
All Ages Are Welcome
* Members under grade 5 must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian at all times.
* No child will be allowed to leave the event activity room without an authorized escort (including water and bathroom breaks).
* Participants will be monitored at all times.
UT Dallas Photo / Talent Release Form
For valuable consideration, I do hereby authorize The University of Texas at Dallas, and those acting pursuant to its authority to:
a. Record my member or member’s participation and appearance on videotape, audiotape, film, photograph or any other medium.
b. Use my member or member’s, likeness, voice and biographical material in connection with these recordings.
c. Exhibit or distribute such recording in whole or in part without restrictions or limitation for any educational or promotional purpose, which The University of Texas at Dallas, and those acting pursuant to its authority, deem appropriate.
d. Exhibit or distribute any written documentation in whole or in part without restrictions or limitation for any educational or promotional purpose, which The University of Texas at Dallas, and those acting pursuant to its authority, deem appropriate.
UT Dallas Risk Management Features
1. Alcoholic – none served at any club sponsored events.
2. Drugs – zero tolerance at any club sponsored events, illegal or otherwise. No smoking policies will be applied and enforced according to the facility.
3. Hazing – Hazing is prohibited (Anti-Hazing Policy)
4. Sexual abuse & harassment – members pledge to refrain from any practice and will intervene with any member observed behaving in an inappropriate manner.
5. Behavior – All participants will obey the university and organization’s behavior regulations (including dress code when appropriate). The standard of behavior is expected at all times regardless of the nature or sponsor of an event or activity.